World Diabetes Day

Today is World Diabetes Day! Before a little over a year ago I didn’t know much about this day. Little did I know that this day would mean so much to me. Last summer my daughter started to show symptoms of Type 1 Diabetes. She was drinking excessive amounts of water...

Teeth Whitening 2022

One of my most commonly asked questions is:  “Dr. H, should I whiten my teeth?” I always have the same answer.  “Yes, if it will make you happier and more confident with your smile.” Tooth whitening used to be a slow, tedious, and often painful process.  Advances in...

Oral Cancer Awareness

April is Oral Cancer month, so it seems like the perfect time to write about oral cancer.  According to the American Cancer Society, oral cancer and oropharyngeal cancer will affect 1 in 60 men and 1 in 140 women. On average in America, there are 54,000 new cases...

The Wonderful World of Implants

In my opinion, the greatest thing to happen to dentistry in the past 30 years is the dental implant. The dental implant is a highly predictable, highly versatile way to replace anything from one missing tooth to a whole mouth of missing teeth.  Studies show that 178...